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更新时间:2018-03-28 15:54:00 编辑:admin1 浏览量:1209


With a view to present the unique charm of Fuqing's straditional cultures and its role as the hometown of overseas Chinese, we plan to launch Fuqing International Sculpture Exhibition. In this way, we can facilitate international culture and art communication, expand Fuqing's domestic and global influence, promote the public-space art in Fuqing City,enhance the city's cultural taste, and forge the cultural brands with richcultural connotations and distinctive characteristics of "Great Fuqing". Therefore, the People's Government of Fuqing City and Fujian ProvincialDepartment of Housing and Urban-rural Construction are joining hands in holding "China – Fuqing 1st International Sculpture Exhibition" and collecting sculptureworks around the world.

一、组织机构The Organizing Committees





艺术总顾问:曹春生 全国城市雕塑建设指导委员会艺术委员会名誉主任


Guiding Unit: Office of National Guidance Committee of Public Sculpture

Sponsoring Unit: Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Construction, the People's Government of Fuqing City

Undertaking Unit: The Urban-rural Planning Bureau of Fuqing City

Co-sponsoring Unit: Communication Department of the CPC Fuqing City Committee, the Cultureand Sports Bureau of Fuqing City, the Housing and Construction Bureau of FuqingCity, the Landscape Administration Office of Fuqing City.

Chief Artistic Consultant: Cao Chunsheng, Honorary Director of Art Committee ofNational Guidance Committee of Public Sculpture

The event is launched under the guidance of "The Organizing Committee of China–Fuqing1stInternational Sculpture Exhibition"(hereinafter referred to as "The Organizing Committee").

二、活动主题Theme of the Event




The theme of the event is "Maritime Silk Road –Emotional Fuqing".

Surrounded by mountains and seas, Fuqing is acity endowed with natural beauty, the long-lasting reputation of "coastal Zoulu(cradle of Confucianism) and prestigious town of literature" and a history ofover 1300 years. It is one of the first batch of national counties and cities for piloting comprehensive reforms, national counties and cities for piloting village and town construction, and national cross-straits agricultural cooperative experimental zone. Fuqing is an emerging modern port and industrialcity benefited by reform and opening-up. Fuqing is a coastal city located inthe eastern Fujian, the core area of West Taiwan Straits Economic Zone, with Taiwan Straits to the east. As the nearest city to Taiwan in China, it is theimportant window for cooperation with Taiwan and the world in Fujian. As the forefront and important window of reform and opening-up in Fujian, Fuqing enjoys the policies as FTZ, State-level New District, Core Zone of "21stCentury Maritime Silk Road" Cross-straits Economic Cooperation Demonstration Zone and Special Customs Supervision Zone. Driven by positive policies, makinguse of advantages as a region of overseas Chinese and Taiwanese, Fuqing has step by step forged a modern city of overseas Chinese and a most vibrant cityin the prosperous belt on West Taiwan Straits Economic Zone, generating the eyebrow-raising "Fuqing Speed”and “Fuqing Efficiency".

The sculpture works contested in this eventshould guided by the core values of socialism, fully interpret the theme of "MaritimeSilk Road – Emotional Fuqing ", and use various artistic expressions to presentout standing traditional Chinese cultures, to embody the characteristics ofF uqing, to forge an urban sculpture platform and to enhance the cultural tasteof Fuqing. The works should manifest the time spirit of Fuqing --"Open and Harmonious, Competitive and Striving for the First Place", present the historical and cultural characteristics of Fuqing as "coastal Zoulu andprestigious town of literature", demonstrate the development plan andachievements of Fuqing by "Integrating into Fuzhou, Linking Pingtan, Connecting Taiwan, Marching toward the Entire Country, Getting in Line with the World " ,show case the cultural atmosphere of Fuqing through "Cultivating People and Building a Town through Cultural Development ", and embody the characteristicsof Fuqing people who "Stay True to the Mission to Make Another Great Achievement ".

三、活动内容Content of the Event






Placeof the Exhibition: the main venue is located in parks along the banks of LongRiver and the relevant places (where 45 sculptures are placed); other sculptures will be placed in various major places (five sculpture works are tobe placed).

Period of Exhibition: the exhibited works will be placed permanently in parks alongthe banks of Long River and other public spaceof major regions. In order to letcontestants get a full understanding of regional cultural features of Fuqing and the parks along the banks of Long River, the organizing committee will opena themed web-page for China – Fuqing1stInternational Sculpture Exhibition in the official website of the event ( and officialpartners' websites. For details, please log in the official website ( and official partners' websites.

Ways of Participation: collecting sculpture works around the world.

Number of Works to be Selected: 50 sculpture works will be placed outdoors (including works of five guest creators).

Publicationof Works: all works shortlisted for the final competition will be published in “Selected Works of China – Fuqing 1stInternational Sculpture Exhibition”.

四、作品征集起止时间Period of Works Submission


Entries will begin on Dec. 1, 2017 Beijing time and close on Apr. 15, 2018 Beijing time (subject to the date of email delivery or the postmark date of the letter).







1. 参展作品须为艺术家原创作品,且无任何其他户外空间建设。

2. 作者拥有作品全部的知识产权。

3. 创作理念和表现手法应与环境相融合;作品形式、材料不限,应具有可实施性、安全性和永久性,所提交方案数量不限。

A.Type of Works:outdoor sculpture, public-space artistic works using new skills and techniquesand innovative idea.

B.Size of Works: the size of the sculpture should be between two and five meters;proper adjustments may be made to the size according to the surrounding environment and cost of production.

C.Scope of Collection: All domestic and overseas artists whoagree on the theme and tenet of this event and with sculpture skills can signin the contest, regardless of nationality, race, age and sex. All domestic andoverseas professional artistic organizations can sign in as an organization.

D.Ways of Collections: we will adopt the means of invitation and publiccollection around the world.

E. Requirementson the Works:

a. The contested works should be the original works ofartists and not built outdoors before.

b. The creator should own the full intellectual propertyright of his or her works.

c. The ideaofthe works and its expressions should be integrated into the environment; the type and materials of the works can be diversified, but should have feasibility, security and permanency. The number of design plans submitted isunlimited

六、作品提交要求Requirements onSubmission

(一)纸质文件:平面设计、彩色效果图或模型照片, 统一用A4纸打印并注明作品名称和创意说明,不装裱、不装订。为评选公正,所有作品正面均不得标注设计人姓名、单位及其标识等信息。


(三)作品征集报名表: 按附表要求详细填写,如以单位、艺术组织机构或团体名义申报的作品需加盖单位公章。所有征稿资料存档不退,请自留底稿。



A. Paper document:for graphic design, color design sketch or model photo, it should be printed in A4 paper, marking the name of the works and its idea. It should not be mountedor framed. To ensure its fairness, the front page of the works should not write the name of the designer, the designer's work unit or other information.

B. Electronic Documents: Besides the paper documents, electronic documents of over 3M pixels should be submitted, including the photo, the picture and the registration form of the works in word form.

C.Registration Form: please fill in the form according to the rules specified in the attachment; if the works is submitted on behalf of the work unit, the artistic organization or group, it should be affixed with the common seal of theorganization. All the submitted materials will be kept in records and thus will not be given back to the creators. Please keep one copy for yourself.

D.Letter of Commitment: the contributor should submit the contested works and the Letter of Commitment on Participation Qualification of “China - Fuqing 1stInternational Sculpture Exhibition”(hereinafter referred to as “Letter of Commitment”) signed by the contributor and affixed with the common seal of thework unit; if the contributor is an artistic organization or institution, it should authorize its representative to sign up the Letter of Commitment and affix the common seal of the organization or institution; if the contributor is one ofthe creators or creates the works via cooperation with other partners, all thecreators of the works should sign up“Letter of Commitment”.

E. All the submitted materials should be complete. If the creator omits to submit one material or another, it will be deemed as unqualified and not be accepted.

七、作品评选及荣誉奖励Appraisal of the Works and Awards







1. 45件优秀作品由福清市人民政府颁发荣誉证书,并获得每件作品人民币60,000元/件稿酬(含税);5件特邀作品奖励费人民币150,000元/件稿酬(含税),并将邀请获奖作品的作者参加活动开幕式,同时赠送一本画册。

2. 另外55件入围作品由福清市人民政府颁发荣誉证书,并获得每件作品人民币20,000元稿酬,赠送一本画册。

3. 以上奖励金中包含作品创作费、小稿制作费、小稿运输费、税费等在投稿过程中发生的一切费用(作品制作费用除外)。

A. Appraisal: well-known sculptorsand scholars will form an appraisal committee to appraise the works by the principles of objectiveness, fairness and impartiality. Two-round appraisals will be held.

a.The first round of appraisal is the appraisal of paper documents; all 100shortlisted works will be selected and publicized in the official website designated by the organizing committee for ten days. After the publicity period, the result will be publicly released and the shortlist will be determined. The organizing committee will officially inform the prizewinner ofthe result and ask the prizewinner to produce the sample product of about 80cm(the sample should not use fragile materials)

b. The second round of the appraisalis sample appraisal; 45 outstanding works will be selected from 100 shortlisted works. After further design, the works will meet requirements. The organizing committee will then inform the creator in written form and sign the confirmation document and the letter of intent on production. Finally, the works will be built into sculptures of proper size and kept in Fuqing permanently.

c.Five guest creators will not participate in the appraisal, but should provide sample product of about 80CM(except in the particular case);


a. 45outstanding works will be rewarded with the Certificate of Honor by the People’s Government of Fuqing City and for each prize winning works, RMB 60000 yuan will be granted (before tax); 5 works created by guest creators should be rewarded RMB 150,000 yuan (before tax). Prize winners will be invited to take part in the opening ceremony of the event and gifted an album of works.

b. For other 55 shortlisted works, the Certificate of Honor will be granted by the People’s Government of Fuqing City and RMB 20,000 yuan plus an album of works will begiven for each works.

c. The above awards include creation expense, sample production expense, sample transportation fee,tax and all the other expenses arising during the submission of the works(except the works production fee)

八、成品加工制作Production of Finished Works





A. Productionof Works of Creators from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Countries.

Works fit for outdoors construction.Sculptors from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries should on the date specified by the organizing committee, go to Fuqing to produce the works on spot. The period of production is 25 days. The organizing committee should pay the round traffic expenses between the usual place of residence to Fuqing, the local accommodation fees and some subsidies for sculptors and offeron-field helpers and volunteers (foreach sculptor, an interpreter and a professional student will be allocated),consumable items, equipment and tools to ensure the sculptors to complete the on-site construction.As the techniques required for works with copper cast iscomplicated, 25 days is allowed for model completion (works in glass fiber reinforcedplastics); for works in other materials (such as stones, stainless steel andetc.), the finished works of proper size should be built within 25 days.

B.Production of Works of Domestic Sculptors

The prizewinning products of domestic sculptors should be delivered, that is, the production of the works of propersize should be the responsibilities of the prizewinners. The expense should beborne by the organizing committee which will sign a contract with the domestic sculptor covering production fee, date of completion, transportation and etc(subject to the actual contract signed).

九、作品安装Installment of Works


According to the rules of the organizing committee, the exhibited works should be generally installed by the organizing committee. If the designer has particular requirements over the installment of the works, the creator (or his or herrepresentative) can offer concrete guidance on the site. The works should be installed in the last ten days of Aug. 2018 and open to the public and thetravelers home and abroad in Sep. 2018.

十、时间安排(拟定)Arrangements for Time (To be determined)

2017年12月1日 发布征稿公告(为期约4个月)

2018年4月15日 截稿(以电子邮件发出时间或信函邮戳为准)

2018年4月下旬 初评,选出第一轮入围的100件雕塑作品(五名特邀作者作品不参与评选)。经公示后,正式入围作者,组委会将要求其制作成雕塑小稿参与第二轮评选(未制作小稿的,视为自行放弃)。

2018年5月下旬 终评,根据雕塑小稿进行评选,并最终确定50件落地及入围作品(五名特邀作者作品不参与评选)。

2018年6月上旬 完成加工方式及财政预算并启动加工制作

2018年8月中旬 完成加工制作及成品落地安装

2018年9月中旬 开幕式

On Dec. 1, 2017, the Contribution Invited will be released to the public (for about 4 months)

On Apr. 15,2018, the entries will close (subject to the date of email or the postmark dateof the letter)

In the last ten days of Apr. 2018,the first round of appraisal will be held to select 100 sculptures (works offive guest creators will not compete for appraisal). After publicity, the organizing committee will ask the creators of the shortlisted works to produce sample works for the second round of appraisal (if the works is not made intosample, it should be deemed as autonomous waiver of right for competition).

In the last ten days of May 2018,sample works will be appraised to determine 50 works to be built and shortlisted works(works of five guest creators will not compete for appraisal).

In the first ten days of Jun. 2018,means of products and financial budget will be determined and production will be launched.

In the middle of Aug. 2018,production of works and installment of finished works will be completed.

In the middle of Sep. 2018, the opening ceremony will be launched.

十一、知识产权及版权声明Acknowledgment onIntellectual Property Right and Copyright




(四) 本次活动有关的一切争议均应适用中华人民共和国相关法律。本次活动组委会具有最终解释权。

A. The sponsoring unit should fully respect the sculpture and copyright of the contributor (natural person / workunit / design team). After contribution, it should be deemed that the contributor has agreed to give the sponsoring unit the right of publicity over sculpture. Once the acknowledgment letter of sculpture is confirmed by the contributor, the sponsoring unit should have the right to exhibit and build the sculpture and keep it permanently in Fuqing. Other than the prize given to the contributor in the Contribution Invited, the organizing committee will not makeother payments to prizewinners.

B. Th econtributors should be the original creator who enjoys legal copyright over the works. The contributor should guarantee that the sculpture submitted is first opento the public, and will not infringe upon other people's intellectual property rights (copyright, trademark right, patent right and etc.). If any disputearises due to the above infringements, all the legal liabilities and the lossescaused to the sponsoring unit should be borne by the responsible person.

C. The organizing committee has the right to check the participation qualification ofthe contributors. If there is any misrepresentation during the process of submission, the organizing committee has the right to cancel the contributor's qualification in any stage of the exhibition. For those causing serious consequences, the organizing committee should investigate and affix legal responsibilities according to the circumstances.

D. Any dispute arising during this event should be solved by the relevant laws of thePeople’s Republic of China. The organizing committee has the final interpretation right.


地 址:北京市三里河路13号中国建筑文化中心709室(全国城市雕塑建设指导委员会办公室)


电 话:(8610)88082756

传 真:(8610)88082757

邮 箱


电 话:(86591)85156761

传 真:(86591)85158161

网 址

邮 箱

Address: Room 709 (Office of National Guidance Committee of Public Sculpture), China Architectural Culture Center, No.13, Sanheli Road, Beijing

Liaison: MengManping and Wang Jiasi



Address ofthe Urban-rural Planning Bureau of Fuqing City: 4F, Planning and Construction Bldg., Qingchang Avenue, Yinxi Sub-district, Fuqing City, Fujian Province








A.RegistrationForm of “China - Fuqing 1stInternational Sculpture Exhibition”

B. Letter ofCommitment on Participation Qualification of “China - Fuqing 1stInternational Sculpture Exhibition”

For introduction to Fuqing City, relevantattachments and sculptures, you may log in the official website of the event( the website of the Urban-rural Planning Bureau of Fuqing City for details.



The Organizing Committee of

China -Fuqing 1stInternational Sculpture Exhibition

Dated on Dec. 1, 2017




