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The 18th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium Calls for Sculptors

更新时间:2017-02-09 15:11:00 编辑:和淑洁 浏览量:3809


Changchun International sculpture symposium has been held for 17 sessions from 1997 to 2006, and as a result of which more than 820 pieces (groups) of sculptures created by more than 530 sculptors coming from 216 countries and regions have settled down in Changchun city, which has brought a wide influence in the field of world sculpture. Sculptors take it as a great honor to be invited by Changchun international sculpture symposium. In 2017, Changchun city’s government decides to take the renovation of Yitong River as an opportunity to hold the 18th China Changchun “Rebuild the Mother River” International Sculpture Symposium with the theme of “ Green· Ecology· Relaxation”.

Yitong River is Changchun's mother river. It rises from the north slope of Qingding Mountain which belongs to Hadaling Mountain Range of Yitong County , Jilin Province, and flows in to the Second Songhua River. Its total length is 342.5 km, and with 286.9 km of the river running through Changchun city, it is the largest river in the urban area of Changchun. Yitong River, with its profound historical and cultural heritage, has provided Changchun city distinctive advantages for improving its cultural taste and forging an international name card for the city.

Yitong River, which means “ surging river” in Manchu language was a broad river in ancient times. It was arrayed by luxuriant trees along its two banks, and attracted a steady stream of visitors at that time. During the Ming and Qing dynasty, Yitong river served as an important golden waterway for grain transportation and played a significant role in transportation of northeast China. The development of the water and land transportation has also promoted the economic prosperity of both sides of the river, and a unique cultural landscape was formed here. After 1930s, the river had experienced years of silting up and soil erosion, it began to dry up throughout the year, the river thus became declined gradually. After the foundation of new China, Changchun Municipal People’s Government has converted the place of about 48km away from Wanbao River Sluice under the dam of Xinlicheng Reservoir into a landscape belt integrating urban landscape , farm irrigation, and relaxation and recreation; renovated the ecological environment of the flood area which is north of Sihua River Sluice of Yitong River since 2011; and built the Northeast China Wetland Park in 2012. Yitong River has presented to the public a totally new image now. In 2015, Changchun city started a new round of comprehensive treatment project to Yitong River. The comprehensive treatment takes “Eco-first”, “water treatment and city management carried out simultaneously” and “culture as the root” as the main principles, striving to build Yitong River a “stroll of Eco-environment” focusing on environmentally livable, a “belt of vitality ” focusing on economic growth, and “source of life” focusing on new city spirit.

Build a city mother river of “ clear water”, “green banks” and “ enjoyable life” · Culture Gathering Belt


Background and Requirements

The selected sculpture works will be permanently displayed in the public space of the defined middle section of Yitong River (between South Third Ring Road and Sihua River Sluice) . This part covers an area of 670 hectares, and under the principle of green and sustainable development, 10 theme parks are planned to be established here. The goal is to build a city mother river of “clear water”, “green banks” and “enjoyable life” and a culture gathering belt. The final works of this year’s s ymposium would be installed in nine of the ten parks. The theme of the proposed sculptures are required to be in consistent with that of the parks, and the sculptures are required to echo to the surrounding landscape. We are expecting sculpture works that can best integrate to the surrounding environment, reflect the city’s culture, and embody the era spirit. All submitted proposals must be original outdoor landscape sculpture designs. The author must have all the intellectual property rights of the work. We hope that with your extraordinary creativity and imagination, you can excavate the cultural connotation of Yitong River and give new era significance to the river, you can make art work that can best integrate with the surrounding environment and embody the regional characteristic of the city. We hope that the proposed works would be in beautiful form , of high artistic values, and meet the special requirements of public art, which are reliability, security and permanency.

Soliciting, Scale and Evaluation

This symposium adopts a soliciting method of special invitation and public soliciting together. The main audiences are internationally well-known art institutions, colleges and universities, and sculptor individuals.

The number of sculpture works is planned to be 56 (adjust to the quality of the work). You can submit to different themes. Groups of sculptures are encouraged.

Evaluation: A judging panel composed of well-known sculptors, artists will evaluate all the proposed sculpture works. The final results would be published on the website of Changchun Urban Sculpture Planning and Management Office( The organizing committee will send invitational letter and exhibition contract which stipulates the responsibilities, rights and duties of both parties to the author. The selected sculptors should send back the signed contract and a maquette of about 50cm size to the organizing committee.

Reward and Production

The selected sculptor will be awarded 60,000 RMB (after tax) as the creation fee after the production and installation of the work , and a diploma will be issued by the organizing committee.

It is required that all selected sculptors should send the maquette to the organizing committee within the stipulated time and the maquettes will be permanently collected by Changchun Sculpture Gallery. All the selected sculpture works will be enlarged by the organizing committee collectively, however, the author of the selected sculpture work must go to the production site to enlarge the maquettee by himself/herself. The organizing committee will provide the author with assistants for the production of the work and cover the author’s (himself/herself) travel cost (one-time round trip economy air ticket from the author’s residence to the production site ) and the author’s accommodation during the enlargement of the sculpture work.

Submission and Requirement

Applicants should visit the website of Changchun Urban Sculpture Planning and Management Office ( to download the registration form and design instructions.

The completed submission of one single design include: the filled-out registration form, the picture of the proposed sculpture work, passport copy of the author and one recent daily photo of the author.

Each submitted design should contain the completed necessary materials mentioned above. No single item in the registration form should be arbitrarily omitted. Foreign applicants (except Chinese origins) are kindly requested to fill out the registration form in English. The picture of the design should be in JPG format (resolution 300 dpi), without indicating any literal information on the picture. The picture is required to be named with the author’s name, the title of the proposed sculpture work and the material of the work, for example, Rodin “Thinker” 145*98*180cm Bronze. JPG). Overdue submission will not be accepted.

The submission materials should be sent to; the deadline is April 15, 2017. (In case of any special circumstance, please contact the organizing committee office directly)

Intellectual Property Protection

The design should not infringe any third party’s patent, copyright, trademark right, reputation right or any other lawful rights and interests.

All literal information, picture, graphics, audio or video materials contained in the proposed design receive the legal protection for copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights. They are not allowed to be published or broadcast without the consent of the participating authors.

The organizers has the right to compile, publish and release the selected sculptures and authorize Changchun Municipal People’s Government to use them for public welfares, etc.

Important Time Schedule

Deadline of Submission: April 15, 2017

Evaluation: the results of the evaluation would be finally published by late April, 2017

Production and Installation: June 25,2017- August 31, 2017

Opening of the Exhibition: September, 2017.


The Organizing Committee Office of the 18th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium

Liaison: Zhao Yue (Aimee)

Address: 9777 Yatai Str, Changchun, Jilin Province, China

Changchun Sculpture Planning and Management Office




1. The registration form of the 18th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium

registration form.doc

2. The Design Instruction of the Middle Section of Yitong River

Design Instruction of the Middle Section of Yitong River.pdf

Website for downloading the documents:

Please scan the following QR code to join in the symposium group for more information about the symposium.


The organizing committee reserves the final interpretation of this event.

We will carefully review your submission, soliciting opinions from all sides, organize experts to evaluate the proposed sculpture designs. Once selected, the organizing committee will sign the Production Contract with the author. We sincerely welcome your submission.




